About Us

Elhanan Bible College was founded by:

Dr. Haywood from  Springs, South Africa .

“The Lord has given us a vision that we should lay a foundation through the power and enablement of the Holy Spirit to preach, teach, heal and send.”

Elhanan Bible College holds the old, but ever fresh Holy Bible as the Manufacturer's Hand Book and the Universal Answer Book. The Word of God never changes, but our means of communication does. All Christians need a good solid foundation upon which to build their faith and life:

  • Basic Biblical studies are for foundation.
  • Systematic Theological studies are for indoctrination.
  • Ministerial studies are for practical application.

Taking our courses not only involves the acquisition of Divine data, but the cultivation of mental discipline and promotion of spiritual growth. Our object is to not only spiritually illuminate men and women, but to motivate them in a life of usefulness for the glory of God.

In the Christian, natural and spiritual knowledge is integrated, as they both come from the same Source. The better our understanding, the better we can take advantage of our opportunities in life.

Elhanan Bible College is both a Bible College offering undergraduate's studies and a Theological Seminary providing graduate programs, so that we offer degrees on all levels.

Elhanan Bible College has prepared excellent study courses, but you receive no benefit until you start studying them. But to participate in the programs of Elhanan Bible College , one must have a reasonably stable lifestyle and a sense of responsibility and priority. Education by mail requires individual motivation and personal incentive. You must have a God-given drive and diligence. The very word “study” implies an ongoing commitment, application, and persistence to complete a course. But in the end, it will develop your mental abilities, and promote your Spiritual refinement.